The Order is composed of rigorously educated physicians who are trained to work in battlefield conditions. They are considered the elite among war-time medics, and few persons, within The Regency, or outside its bounds and influence, would harm one of the Order of Galen. Their oaths are such that they will treat anyone who needs tending, from the lowest miscreant to an emperor himself. Lyra quickly grew weary of the horrors of war, but relished the challenges and importance of her job. She has seen first hand the violence which can be wrought by one man against another, and wants little part of it.
Now, entering her thirtieth year, she is eligible to join the highest ranks of Order of Galen. To that end, she has struck out on her own, to gain in both experience and reputation.
Lady Lyra Bannon (WC), Noble-born Doctor
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Rank: Novice (0 Exp)
Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Fighting d4, Healing d8, Investigation d8, Knowledge (Medical) d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6
Derived Stats:
Pace: 6+1d6"
Charisma: 0/+2 (Within Regency or among those who respect Nobility)
Parry: 4
Toughness: 5+ (Base 5, plus 2/4 from Personal Defense Barrier when activated)
Healer, Noble (Regency)
Pacifist (m), Quirk (Elitist; m), Vow (Oath of the Order of Galen; M)
Stylish Clothing, Medical Kit, Personal Defense Barrier (Armor Power, 10 PP/Power Cell)
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