Freightrunner is the common term for a light freighter designed to get in and out of somewhere fast. Well armed and often armored, Freightrunners tend to have flexible designs to reflect the needs of quite diverse clientèle. From corporate extractions to local deliveries to quasi-legal smuggling rushes, a Freightrunner has to be one of the most useful vehicles out there. Weapon systems and some specialty functions are easily changed to suit whatever greater purpose the Freightunner may serve. The pair of ships shown below are examples of the more popular vessel's of this type.

AF-21 Assault Freighter
Manufacture: Ragnarok Arms (Interzone)
Size: Medium, Heavy
Power: 30
Acc: 160
Top: 720
Handling: +0
FTL: Gate Beacon
Crew: 5
Hull: 35 (15) (Armor 15)
Ship Systems:
- Cargo Bay (4 Spaces)
- Starship
- Atmospheric
- Basic Computer System (Auto Pilot, Target Acquisition/Control, Fire Control, Knowledge [Common Starships])
- Gate Beacon
- (2) Ragnarok Arms 4-Pack MkII HEX Cannon Arrays [4 Spaces, 8 Power each]: 100/200/400; 5d12+10 AP8; Small Burst Template; RoF1
- (1) Ragnarok Arms AMCM System (+1 to Rolls; 1 Space)

FR-07 Ogre
Manufacture: Collective
Size: Medium, Heavy
Power: 30
Acc: 120
Top: 720
Handling: +0
FTL: Gate Beacon, Collective H-Space Drive
Crew: 5
Hull: 35 (15) (Armor 15)
Ship Systems:
- Cargo Bay (6 Spaces)
- Passenger Bay (1 Space)
- Starship
- Atmospheric
- Basic Computer System (Auto Pilot, Target Acquisition/Control, Fire Control, Knowledge [Popular Entertainment], Knowledge [Astrogation])
- Collective H-Space Drive (4 Power, 1 Space)
- Workshop (Repair Facility) (2 Space)
- (1) Heavy Beam Cannon [3 Spaces, 3 Power]; 100/200/400, 4d10 AP10
- (4) Micromissile Packs [1 Space each, 1 Power, 4 Shots per Pack]; 200/400/600; 4d6 AP6; Small Burst Template